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Points: 1166
Check out BIBIBIBI was listed on Tokenlicous 2023-11-04  13:07:00. It was created on BSC network on 2023-11-04. BIBI is a fully community-driven autonomous new Web3 ecosystem, focusing on the dissemination of MEME culture and Web3 community development, with the aim of establishing a creative, interactive, and inclusive learning community where all community members benefit from participating in organized activities and promotions.\r\n\r\nbibi is the native MEME token of the BIBI ecosystem (no pre-sale, zero taxes, LP burn, and contract abandonment), and it is also a decentralized social experiment that will bring the power of decentralized, community-driven \''currency\'' to millions of people worldwide. To do more research on BIBI check its listing, Link
Signed:coffee into code