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Baby PengolinCoin

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0x8d7E34B786064c205b0c7A1c815c62564CDEEE4E Safu Bscscan

Baby PengolinCoin (BPGO) is a community driven, hyper-deflationary cryptocurrency built for appreciation and passive income with an emphasis on saving Pangolins and other endangered animals. Reflections 2% of each transaction will be distributed to holders Liquidity 3% of each transaction goes to the liquidity pool Burn 1% of each transaction will be burned Charity 3% of each transaction will be sent to a charity wallet Buyback tokens 1% of each transaction will be used to buyback tokens on sell - Hyper-Deflationary Tx Fee % to Buyback Tokens The fee will be collected from all transactions as a percentage of the transaction token amount. Once the contract holding exceeds 0.1% of the total supply, automated swap will be executed on a sell transaction and BNB will be added to the token contract. Once the BNB balance of the contract exceeds 1 BNB, on a sell transaction 1% of the available BNB balance will be used to buy back and burn tokens. Anti-Whale Mechanism Maximum supply that a wallet can hold: 1%, Maximum transaction allowed: 1% of supply Eco-Friendly Token BPGO is a BSC Token which aims at setting up a Carbon Neutral Economy Decentralized BPGO is community driven and managed by volunteers Anti-rug pull Liquidity Pool Locked for 2 years

👨‍💻Baby PengolinCoin-Widget:

Copy the Baby PengolinCoin embed code and place it in the desired location on your website.

<embed type="text/html" src="https://tokenlicious.com/api.php?id=121&contract=0x8d7E34B786064c205b0c7A1c815c62564CDEEE4E&widget=true" style="width:400px;max-width:100%;height:300px;">

Market Data

  • Price[USD]:
  • 0.000001086

  • 24h Change:
  • 0%

  • 24h Vol:
  • 0

  • FDV:
  • 6244

*Market data is updated every 30 minutes!


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  • Launch Date:
  • 2021-12-15

  • Listing Date:
  • 2022-09-02

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